Theta Trading Kickstarter Bundle: The Trading World’s Best Kept Secret

Six-Figure Side Hustle in Under 30 Minutes A Day

Learn A Skill That Will Show You How to Profit from The Stock Market, From Your Phone, Anywhere In The World.

Kickstarter Bundle:

  • 8 Chapters (Instant Access Online Course Access) - INCLUDED
  • Bonus #1 – Sample Trades Workbook (A Real-World Implementation Guide) - FREE
  • Bonus #2 - Getting Started & Trading Checklist -  FREE
  • ​​Bonus #3 - Chicago Board of Exchange Case Study -  FREE
  • Bonus #4 - Our Secret Strategy Tips & Tricks E-Book -  FREE
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How We Help You Reach Your Ultimate Financial Freedom Dreams?

Theta Trading Stock Options Academy is the ultimate course that helps those looking to reach their financial freedom goals understand how the stock market works, and how you can use the options market to earn additional income, achieve financial freedom and live life on your terms

Does This Sound Like You?

● You want a simple and straightforward solution to add an additional income
● You have a desire to take control of your finances
● You have not found the strategy that will generate you returns consistently and in a timely manner
● You’re probably overwhelmed with trading strategies and you don’t know where to start; you are looking for the ONE solid strategy to follow that works in helping you reach your financial health and wealth goals

The Leading Trading Experts With Serious, Proven Results 
Omar Khan
  • Co-Founder, Theta Trading Corp.
  • BA Economics, University of Toronto
  • 15+ Years in Financial Industry
  • Part-time Options Trader and Real Estate Investor
Matthew Todman
  • Co-Founder, Theta Trading Corp.
  • CA, CPA, CFA
  • 15+ Years in Financial Industry
  • Part-time Options Trader and Real Estate Investor

"We've enjoyed a very solid income that has allowed us to live life on our terms, from these 30 minutes alone, for over 20 years. And we're going to teach you how."

Our Strategy Works in Just 3 Easy Steps
Step 1
How and Where to FIND 
High Quality Long-Term Profitable Investments 
Step 2
How to Invest at a Much Lower 
Price Than Existing 
Market Value
Step 3
How to Get Paid CASH Just for Agreeing to Buy Stock That You Would Buy Anyways
The days of complicated, stressful strategies are OVER. Earning a significant return on your investments is as easy as 1, 2, 3 inside of the Theta Trading Kickstarter Bundle.

What Our Students Say...
Brian Gordon

This program is a game changer!

Thank you for the insight Matthew!

The Theta trading team is a wealth of knowledge and I'm grateful they're willing to share their knowledge. 

This program is a game changer!!
Brian McGuck

My advise...get involved as soon as possible.

The Theta Boys are top of the food chain when it comes to Option Investing. The thing that most impresses me is the continued support and help within our community on a daily basis. My goal when I took the course was to hopefully make enough money to cover the cost of the course. I laugh now when thinking about that thought.
Alicja Pytlak

It just proved how awesome this strategy is.

I follow Theta strategy and rules. Even through market went down, not even month into me trading, it didn't cause much stress to me. 

Now I own very good stocks in USD currency. It just proved how awesome this strategy is.
Habib Olawale

I have made exactly CAD $9,935.84...

Hi everyone! Just wanted to share my progress report.

Options trading has completely changed my life in a way I still can't wrap my head around. 

I have been trading for the past two months now and I have made exactly CAD $9,935.84!
Viktoria Palfi

Life changing, game changer...

I am very happy with the results of the stock hacking strategy taught by Theta Trading. Life changing, game changer which takes minutes a day. 

Even as a novice stock market investor I have results that rival professional investors. 

Theta team is genuine and ethical. Great value for the cost of the education.
Khatera Osman

I closed my week with over 16% return on my personal account!

This is a life changing skill. I was so heavily invested in Real Estate and I didn't even know this existed. I spent all my free time learning. I didn't give up. I closed my week with over 16% return on my personal account and 7.8% on corporate account (this, I just funded a couple weeks ago). That you so much Omar Khan and Matthew for teaching me this new skill.
Vuk Dulanovic far the simplest and safest strategy...

The Theta Trading Co way of trading options is by far the simplest and safest strategy that I have implemented in my portfolio. 

If you want to use options to increase cashflow, and want to sleep comfortably at night, then reach out and learn this skill forever.
Adriano Grande

Made over $100,000 in my first year...

I wish their formal course and structured coaching had existed when I started out. 
I’m happy to have made over $100,000 in my first year in their pilot program, but my returns would have been 3-4x that had the real Theta options Trading Course existed.
Sabesh Bala

Made back the cost of the course in a few months.

Took the beginner and advanced course and it was life changing! Made back the cost of the course in a few months and plan on using these strategies for the rest of my life. These courses are a great way to amplify your returns and a great investment in yourself. I would highly recommend it!

Theta Kickstarter Course 

8 chapters of exclusive content explaining the Theta strategy which can allow you to make 1% to 5% PER MONTH on your money every single month, giving you the opportunity to create a substantial second stream of income. 

LIST PRICE $67.99, NOW ONLY $26.99

Sample Trades Journal (A Real-World Implementation Guide)

This Real-World Implementation Guide is a journal of sample trades which will provide you the 7 KEY PIECES used in the Theta strategy and will also highlight other items such as Theta decay, efficiency, and emotionless trading.

 $39.99 FREE

Getting Started & Trading Checklist 

The getting started & trading checklist will provide you with crucial tasks that will help you in your personal development and will give you the step by step guide in trading with the Theta Strategy. 

 $19.99 FREE

Chicago Board of Exchange Case Study 

An excellent summary of a study completed by the Chicago Board of Exchange which provides real information from the most credible source (the options exchange itself) which shows this strategy has beaten the market.

 $49.99 FREE

Our Secret Strategy Tips & Tricks E-Book 

A 6 Page (3000-word) E-Book that provides you a summary of all the investing principles that Omar & Matthew built over a combined 40+ years of trading in the financial markets.

 $99.99  FREE


Step 1: Click The Button Below To Sign Up:
Just click the button below, secure your spot, and wait for the details to hit your inbox.
Step 2: Learn The Program & Implement:
Following along with the chapters, review your bonuses, and put it into ACTION!
Step 3: Celebrate Your New 6 Figure Side Hustle:
After the course, in under 30 minutes a day, be able to grow your money alongside other's in the community. 

A Message From Omar and Matthew...

15 minutes a day reading and updating ourselves on the markets. 15 more minutes making our trades for the day. 

For over 15 years now, we've both enjoyed a very solid income that has allowed us to live life on our terms​, from just these 30 minutes a day. 

We created Theta Stock Options Academy so we could teach you how to do the same.”

Our Promise To You By The End Of The Course 

Theta Trading Stock Options Academy​ is a comprehensive course, community and continuing education experience that is designed to do one thing — teach you the ONE options trading strategy that's going to CHANGE EVERYTHING for you.

Omar Khan and Matthew Todman, the founders of Theta Trading, have built their wealth, created new semi-passive income streams, and lived their lives on  their terms, for more than 15 years now... largely because of this same options trading strategy!

Omar and Matthew created Theta Trading Stock Options Academy so they could teach this strategy to others and pass this incredible knowledge and opportunity on to as many other people as they could, because this is unequivocally one of the easiest and fastest ways to succeed, build wealth, and create a better life for yourself and your family

As Warren Buffett said :

"the best investment you can make, is an investment in yourself…. The more you learn, the more you’ll earn.”

Bruce Lee said:

“I fear not the person who has practiced 10,000 kicks once... but I fear the person who has practiced 1 kick 10,000 times.”

ONE Strategy

We teach only ONE strategy. If you only have to learn one strategy, it makes it much easier to learn to trade, implement, and get results, ALL from anywhere in the world!

30 Minutes

Because we teach you only one strategy, that can give you excellent returns and mitigate your risk, you only have to spend around 15 minutes a day reading and another 15 minutes doing trades.


Unlike most stock trading courses, teaching lots of different strategies, causing overwhelm and confusion, you're only learning ONE and this is why our students take action, and get results!

1,000 Times

We only teach one strategy, but we go deep on that one strategy. That’s why our students take action, get really good at this, and produce excellent results!

Our Mission is to Teach Real Financial Literacy 
to as Many People as We Can

Omar and Matthew both worked in the financial industry for 15+ years, and even ​that didn’t provide them with real financial literacy. ​They had to figure it out pretty much on their own.

Real financial literacy means you have the knowledge, strategies, and skills that you can use to MAKE MONEY and GROW YOUR MONEY, so you and your family can have a GREAT LIFE!

And the sad fact is: most people do not have that knowledge, and those strategies and skills.

So, we want to get this information into the hands of as many people as we can, because — sorry if this sounds cheesy but, 
this literally changes peoples lives.


Theta Kickstarter Course

Sample Trades Journal (A Real-World Implementation Guide) 

Getting Started & Trading Checklist 

Chicago Board of Exchange Case Study 

Our Secret Strategy Tips & Tricks E-Book 


How long will this take to understand?

If you commit to learning the content, you should be able to understand exactly what our strategy is and how we are able to make money in the market. Our students with no financial background are able to understand this, so we are confident you will be able to as well, no matter your experience level.

Do I need a financial background to take these courses?

No, you don’t. This course is designed for beginners. Once everyone’s on the same page, we get into the more complicated stuff.

Is Trading Risky?

Of course, it is. But that’s not really the right question. Any time you invest in yourself, try something new or work towards growth, there will be risk. The difference between those times and now is you won't be figuring it out all alone.

Who Is This Course For?

This program is for anyone who wants to reach their financial freedom and be provided the step-by-step process on how Omar and Matthew have achieved their success. For anyone who wants to gain a skill that allows them to generate cash flow, anywhere in the world, in under 30 minutes a day. 

Complete beginners to investment professionals can benefit from this program. We have held nothing back and broken down every single detail you need to be a successful trader.

DISCLAIMER: This service is provided to you for informational purposes only and is not investment advise to you or any other person. We are describing the investments we have made for ourselves and is reflective of our own circumstances. Your circumstances are different and discussion here is not intended to be and must not be considered as a recommendation for you to the make the same investment(s). Consult an advisor or dealer licensed in your jurisdiction before making any investment decision.

In addition, all figures inside this course are strictly our own and those of our students. We have the extensive experience, knowledge and extraordinary work ethic and our success is a result of consistent efforts and massive action. It’s said that the average person who follows any “how to” information gets little to no results. YOU my friend, are NOT average! Be different than the people who think simply paying the money will get them results. If you’ve tried and failed in the past, make the decision right now that investing in this course will be your breakthrough. To make the lawyers happy: Your results will vary and depend on many factors including but not limited to your background, experience, and work ethic. All business involves risk, as well as massive and consistent effort and action. It may not be easy, but we promise it will be WORTH IT!

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